Tag Archives: zombies


Calling someone scatterbrained is mildly insulting. Especially if the reason that they are scatterbrained is because zombies even now are rooting around in their skull cavity to see what else they can get out. Admittedly, this is not going to be foremost on their mind (it’s rather doubtful anything would be), but it is the classic case of adding insult to injury.

What is even more injury though, is when the scatterbrain’s family attempts escape, they slip on some of the strewn grey matter. They are then pounced upon, have their skulls’ suitability opened and promptly forget their worries, this being the sole advantage of not being all there.

Now the zombies have fed, they turn and trundle out the door, leaving everything a right old mess. In the morning the cleaner will come, and remark on spying the open door: ‘why, he’ll forget his head next!’

It is a shame that the next discovery will be sufficiently traumatising to make any appreciation of the statement lost, and that the screams are quite that loud that they attract some things nearby…