Monthly Archives: Apr 2021

Sighing into the wind

What of evocative writing? Is it in itself a thing of beauty, as to make it’s actual contents of secondary import to its own brilliance? Can a writer craft words into an edifice so dazzling, so pleasing on eye and ear and mind that the reader is enthralled even as very little is imparted?

One may ask this question, and never find an answer. Shakespeare – for all his presenting elevates the plots that others used themselves, still uses plots of worth. Dickens, a master wordsmith, was master of the plot as well; and as master of characterisation he excels his skills in those other fields. Perhaps one can argue that the lack of brilliant prose with little content but fame is proof in itself; however can one really expect that there are in fact such cases? Perhaps one skilled in the deployment of language is likewise a man who can lay out plot and character with style and grace. There is only one way to confirm: to write a work deliberately empty of all but wordcraft; but who that is capable of both would wish to do but one? These are my thoughts, and these are where I end, my own opinion set but unsaid.

What do you dear reader think?